Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Racing Series

The MRC cross-country coaches came up with a wonderful opportunity for cross-country runners.  This summer we will be sponsoring a race series throughout the summer.

Races include: June 16th, Arlington Roadstar Classic 4 mile
                        June 23rd, Henderson Sauerkraut Days 5k
                        July 14th, Belle Plaine Bull Run 5k
                        July 29th, Montgomery Bun Run 5k
                        Aug 4th, LeSueur Giant Days 5k

A $60 fee registers you for each race.  You will be elegible for t-shirts and awards from each race and if you complete all 5 races you will receive a special race series shirt at the jamboree in the fall.  This is a great deal forms are available on this blog look right.

Summer Running Kick Off

Summer running starts May 13th and continues to the first day of practice August 13th.  To mark the occasion we are having a kick off run at 4:00 pm Sunday the 13th.   Meet at the school.  Remember your track mileage counts keep track.

Team Mileage Goal

This summer we have set a team mileage goal of 9000 miles.  Sounds like a long way but with the help of everyone chipping in some summer miles we can do it.  If 30 kids run 300 miles that would be 9000 miles.  If 40 kids ran 225 miles our goal would be reached.  If 50 kids run 180 miles that would add up as well.  The point is the more people logging miles the easier it is for us all.  So start you running program and keep track of your mileage on the blog, running ahead or on paper.  Summer miles start on May 13th.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Start thinking BPCC

It is that time of the year again; when we are finishing one season another is getting ready to start its offseason program.  For cross-country, we try to have the athletes utilize the end of the year training for their training of their mileage goals that we have.  Also at this time of the year, we are looking to see who is coming out for the next year new and old.  Last year we saw a great expansion for the team that included athletes and coaches.  We hope that those reading this are still interested and or know someone that is interested in joining our team.  We have meeting set up for the week of May 7.  At each meeting, we will be sharing some very exciting things that have transpired over the winter and spring.  Please try to make one of the meetings and bring a friend that is interested too.

Miles start counting on May 13. 

Everybody Counts