Monday, August 6, 2018

Eligibility Meeting Information

Here is the link for the parent information:
Please fill this out if you are new and if you have been with the program for years.  We want all parents to know the attendance and lettering policy as it has changed from years past.

In case you were unable to attend the eligibility meeting here are some of the things you missed.

Once again this year we are pleased Amy Fahey, Lisa Jamison, and Brad Pederson are coaching BPXC along with me, Steve Schroeder.  I can be contacted at (952)451-1108 or

Practice for 7-12 graders begins August 13th Monday at the high school beginning at 8:00 am.  Come ready to run rain or shine.

Pick up some good shoes.  You will receive excellent fittings for the proper shoes at River Valley Running in Shakopee or Mankato, and TC Running Company in Eden Prairie.  There are many other excellent running shoe specialty stores where ever you go make sure to mention you run for Belle Plaine Cross-country and they may offer a discount.

MSHSL form must be completed, Physical form must be turned in to AD office, Fee must be paid, all three of these may be found at this LINK

For athletes there is a handbook that they need pick it up from any of the coaches at school.  It contains the code of conduct, schedule, lettering policy, attendance policy, and interview questions.  Sign up for your interview (which is how you are issued a uniform) on Mr. Schroeders room door if you are a female and Mr. Pedersons room door if you are a male.

If you are a Junior or Senior check your email for the captains survey.

Clothing store for 2018 cross-country is open here is the LINK
There is also a separate order form for a very nice sweatshirt see below.
Finally, our parents organization is hosting a family fun night on August 24th.  They are planning some exciting activities including a 1 mile run/walk and 5K.  If you would like to be involved they would love having you join them.

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