Monday, July 15, 2013

Free t-shirt

Once again this year the cross-country team has been asked to participate in the BBQ days parade handing out flyers for the half marathon and giving away left over shirts. Anyone who would like to help email me at and I will sign you up and give you the details. All helpers will receive a t-shirt. Thanks for the help.

Friday, July 12, 2013

One Month

We are one month until the start of the season.  This month becomes the month that is especially important to the season.  Many of you have been diligent about running your miles and that is great and when the season starts you will be rewarded with your increased fitness.  Those that have not been running you need to start.  However, it is very important that you do not try running too much too soon.
I have included a projected final amount based on what has been reported. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Congratulations Janessa

Congratulations to Janessa for her victories as the USA Track and Field region 8 meet held in Aberdeen, SD. Janessa won the 3000 m in 11:16 and the 800 m in 2:31.  Maybe you were not aware of the USATF programs for young people. They offer many opportunities for school age athletes. If your interested in competing talk to Janessa about her experience or check out The bull run is coming up soon hope to see you there. Keep up your running it is good to see and hear about your efforts.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Nice to see you

It was great to see such a large group of Belle Plaine Cross-country runners at the Sauerkraut run.

 Many people commented about the large number of BP runners.  Congratulations to Janessa on her 1st place finish and to Alyssa on her top ten performance.  Also congratulations to Carter Olson for another fine performance.  Summer running can sometimes be a lonely affair so it is fun to be able to run at races with others that know what you are experiencing.  Keep up the good work and enjoy your summer.